"Develop your personal style and learn to push yourself to become a unique dancer"
Personal advice
Sharing my experience from traveling and teaching around the world
Build a solo and have it filmed by a professional
Everybody will leave with 1 video of his solo filmed by a pro
Asymmetry technique and Whacking basics
Battle training
Personal development and advice
Learn how to develop your own style
6 student - 20 hours + shooting (flexible time)
200$ ( possible to make in 2 payment )
This training is recommended for people that have experience in dance and that want to push or learn about whacking.
Gr 1 - Feb 18th to Feb 22nd 11h00 to 15h00 + 1hour Feb 23rd
Gr 2-Feb 18th to Feb 22nd 18h00 to 22h00 + 1hour hooting Feb 23rd
Gr 3-Feb 25th to March 1st 11h00 to 15h00 + 1hour March 3rd
Gr 4 -Feb 25th to March 1st 18h00 to 22h00 + 1hour March 3rd
Register here
Pay online with credit card or send e-transfert to munezero.axelle@gmail.com